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Imprint Wombat's City Hostels

Mandatory information according to the Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council:
Follow this link to the website of the European Commission’s entity for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Should you have any initial questions concerning a potential dispute resolution, please email us at socialmedia@wombats-hostels.com.

Wombats Holding GmbH

Rechte Wienzeile 37/ Top EG3
1040 Wien

website: www.wombats-hostels.com

UID Nr.: ATU 45286006
commercial register nr: 171443y
commercial court: commercial court Vienna
Marcus Praschinger and Alexander Dimitriewicz


Wombat’s City Hostel Vienna Naschmarkt

WOMBATS Naschmarkt GmbH
Rechte Wienzeile 35
A-1040 Vienna

fon: +43 1 897 23 36
e-mail: office-naschmarkt@wombats.eu
website: www.wombats-vienna.at

UID Nr.: ATU 65881708
commercial register nr: 346592w
commercial court: commercial court Vienna
Marcus Praschinger and Alexander Dimitriewicz


Wombat’s City Hostel Munich Hauptbahnhof

WOMBATS GmbH, Munich

Senefelderstraße 1
D-80336 Munich

fon: +49 89 5998 918-0
fax: +49 89 5998 918-10
e-mail: office-muenchen-HBF@wombats.eu
website: www.wombats-hostels.com

UID Nr.: DE 813973895
fiscal code: 827 46 807
commercial register nr: 152 443
commercial court: commercial court Munich
Marcus Praschinger and Alexander Dimitriewicz

Wombat’s City Hostel Munich Werksviertel

Wombat’s München Ost GmbH
Atelierstraße 20
D-81671 Munich

fon:  +49 89 5998 918-0
fax: +49 89 5998 918-10
Email: office-werksviertel@wombats.eu
website: www.wombats-hostels.com

UID Nr: DE 311 908 680
commercial register nr: 232 194
commercial court: commertial court Munich
Marcus Praschinger and Alexander Dimitriewicz

Great Britain

Wombat’s City Hostel London

Wombats London Ltd.

7 Dock Street
E1 8LL London, UK, Europe

fon: +44 20 7680 7600
e-mail: office-london@wombats.eu
website: www.wombats-hostels.com

VAT: GB192900011
CRN 08863233 Companies House London
Marcus Praschinger and Alexander Dimitriewicz



Wombat’s City Hostel Budapest

Wombats Hungary Kft

Király u. 20
H-1061 Budapest, Hungary, Europe

fon: +36 1 883 50 05
fax: +36 1 883 50 02
e-mail: office-budapest@wombats.eu
website: www.wombats-hostels.com

Referee Report Wombat´s Hungary

UID: HU 14750636-2-42
Marcus Praschinger and Alexander Dimitriewicz

fotocredits: Wombat's, istockphoto.com

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