*Best rates only available on our website!*
*Best rates only available on our website!*

group booking @ Wombat’s

Are you a travel party of 15 people or more? Welcome to our group booking!


This is where you can get the best rates! Please use the booking tool below and provide us with useful information so we can find the perfect rooms for your stay. Thank you for choosing Wombat's!

If your group has fewer than 15 travellers, please book through our booking engine here.

Book online!


tell us about your group

Finding the right accommodation for a group and organizing different activities can be a real challenge. But our groups department will help you with any enquiry and all the procedures involved in the organization.

Direct contact

groupsmunich@wombats.eu (for both hostels)





24hr Reception
24hr Reception
All of our hostels are staffed with a 24/7 reception. Our enthusiastic team can provide you with tips and insights anytime, day or night.
Breathe new life into your backpack and freshen your clothes with our laundry facilities.
Luggage Storage
Luggage Storage
We're more than happy to offer you luggage storage options before you check in or after checking out. Explore the city without the extra weight.
Tasty Brekkie
Tasty Brekkie
Fuel up for a day of adventuring with our fresh, organic, and locally sourced breakfast. Unlimited coffee and tea included!

group information

contact details

send now

unbeatable locations

around europe

We don't call it 'City Hostel' for nothing! Our locations are carefully selected to be in vibrant and central areas of the city, well-connected with public transportation, and housed in buildings with unique stories and architectural flair. Immerse yourself in the city of your choice! We provide the perfect home base for your adventure.

why Wombat's City Hostels?

We have private rooms, we have dorms, we have guest kitchens, we have bars... but above all: we have the vibe. Wombat's City Hostels are the right place to meet people from around the world, share travel stories, get in contact with locals, enjoy great food & drinks, and experience unforgettable moments.



Tasty Brekkie
Tasty Brekkie

Tasty Brekkie



guest kitchen

guest kitchen



Locker Rooms

Locker Rooms

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