Support for Children
Daily, we have people from all over the world come and stay with us as our guests in our hostels in Budapest, London, Munich and Vienna. We have travelled a lot ourselves and have also come to see parts of the world in which people live in great poverty. We do not only want to speak about social responsibility, we want to act on it.
Previously, we have invested our support selectively in single projects, but as we came across the “Kindernothilfe” (Help for kids in need), we decided to focus our support on some of their projects on a long-term basis. Children are often in a very vulnerable position in society and with our sponsorship we hope to kickstart a better future for them.
The projects we support are in India, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Thailand.
(Marcus Praschinger & Sascha Dimitriewicz)
In Asia
Rehabilitation and educational centre for expelled pregnant girls and women in Dhaka / Bangladesh. The institution, which is situated in the capital city Dhaka, is a place of refuge for girls and women from all over Bangladesh who have become pregnant unintentionally and have therefore been expelled from their families. These girls are mainly between 14 and 20 years of age, but also younger girls or women take refuge and are being cared for. The centre offers these abused, unmarried, pregnant women not only safety and the satisfaction of their essential need, but also a comprehensive medical care.
Most of the uneducated girls learn how to read, write and calculate during their stay; additionally, they can attend job-specific training classes. After they have given birth, the girls themselves decide whether they want to leave their babies in the centre and return to their families or be given the option to live in a shared flat with other mothers from the centre. On average, there are 35 young women and 25 children living in this institution.
Elimination of Child Labour through Community Based Intervention in Tiruppur, India. Child labour is sadly still very common in India, especially in the textile industry. Many women and children suffer from bad working conditions and often only receive their very low wage after months of hard work. Often it’s their families who send them to work or recruiters tricking kids into it on the streets. This project supports a partner organization that works with local community workers in order to create awareness of the issue. Furthermore they build night centres, where the children can meet other children, talk about their situations, seek help, but a safe harbour that allows them to play, make friends and just be a child. At the moment the 25 night centers host over 750 children.
To increase the awareness about child labour in public, they also fund child committees and child parliaments that organize public events and legal information campaigns about children’s rights.
HIV prevention and medical asstistance for children suffering from HIV, orphans and minorities in Mae Sai, Thailand. The border region to Myanmar is a hub for human traficking and brings about a vast HIV epidemy in the area. Many children suffer from this wide spread disease directly or indirectly, be it through an infection or the loss of their parents. The project currently supports 20 children who need medical assistance as well as 42 families that live with HIV infections. In 2017 the orphanage has been certified and renovated to meet the new, stricter legal requirements demanded by the authorities.
In Africa
Help for women and orphans through self-help groups in Butare, Rwanda.
With its almost 90,000 inhabitants, Butare is the second largest city in Rwanda. The genocide in 1994, in which almost one million Tutsi and moderate Hutu have been killed, has left deep scars and destroyed most of the social structures. More than 86% of the people of the province Butare are below the poverty line. The number of orphans is especially high. Following a self help principle this project is aimed to empower women to strengthen their economical situation, help them to take care of their families and successfully educate their children. Last year alone the partner organization founded 180 new self-help groups, in addition to the existing 100 SHGs. Roughly 5600 women and over 16000 children benefit from the work of these groups. Another main aspect of the project is to create awareness for children’s rights in the region, especially among the local decision makers.
In Central America
Children’s village Renacer with project-related primary and secondary school in Honduras
Cofradia has 2,000 inhabitants and is part of the district Francisco Morazan. In the children’s village “Hogar Renacer”; approx. 50 children are being looked after 24/7. They come from extremely poor and often shattered families who live in the suburbs. Also kids who have been expelled from their homes and orphans are integrated.
In the year 2000, alongside to the secondary school with job training classes, which had been founded in 1993, a project-related primary school has been established on the property of the institution, in which the kids from the children’s village as well as the kids from the municipality are being educated. In the year 2005, 196 children and teenagers have attended the pre-, primary und secondary school. The supported kids are between 3 and 18 years of age and are accompanied by approx. 40 staff members.
In Europe
Help for HIV/AIDS infected children and parents in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg is just like Moscow a Russian city in which the radical political and economical change after 1989 shows its negative effect most thoroughly. Economically successful nouveaux riches oppose with the common poor population. Mass unemployment, family problems, alcoholism, criminality and drug abuse are a few key words for describing the problems of the metropolis. Especially in the big cities of Russia, the number of people infected with HIV has dramatically risen over the past years.
75 per cent of the HIV infected have been contaminated with the virus during the past five years. Since 1989 the “Kindernothilfe” (Help for kids in need) work with the partner “Innovationen” (Innovations) in St. Petersburg. The latest project is the care of infants who have been left behind in the hospital no. 3. Until the beginning of 2007, more than 2,336 babies have been born by HIV infected mothers, 346 of them in the year 2006. Approximately 18% of the babies are abandoned by their mothers.
Until 2003, these children have not been given any care except for a medical one. Many of them have been suffering from hospitalism after only a few months. Main aim of the project is to help the overwhelmed women to organise a, under the given circumstances, ideal surrounding for their children to grow up in. For this purpose, the kindergarten „The Little Prince“ has been opened in September 2007 and has capacity for 20 children, who are being granted an educationally supported development according to their age.