*Best rates only available on our website!*
*Best rates only available on our website!*

Wombat's Corona Update

First things first: we are extremely sorry for any delays in handling your requests. As you can imagine this is a crazy time. We are used to keeping doors open for all our guests but for the first time in 20 years we’ve had to deal with closing doors.

Please also understand that due to the ongoing changes in official measures and regulations, we are still not able to answer all of your questions. Having said that, we want to share with you what we have been able to arrange so far.

What happens with my Booking?

Of course, we understand if you want to cancel your stay at Wombat’s. We encourage you to reschedule your stay and would like to thank you if you do so with a free good vibe breakfast and of course our traditional welcome drink!

Can I get a refund for my booking?

As we handle each request individually (and we had to handle thousands of bookings in the last couple of weeks!), we cannot give you a general answer. If you have already contacted us regarding a refund, thank you for your patience! We’d like to apologise again if we’ve kept you waiting.

But at least there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. Because…

When does my favourite hostel reopen?

Our Hostels in Vienna are scheduled for re-opening on the 29th of May! Further our Hostel in Munich open its doors on the 30th of May!

To whom can I write my problems?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Here you can find all our destinations.

We can’t wait to be back! We will keep you updated through our social media channels and will update this post as soon as we have new information about further progress in your Wombat’s world.

Thank you for all of your encouraging messages and for your understanding!

Stay safe!


Your Wombat’s Crew

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