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No Mobile, No Problem: Offline Ways to Entertain Yourself in a Hostel

It’s almost hard to imagine travelling these days without having your mobile or internet-enabled device constantly within arms reach. Being able to look up directions or top attractions in seconds has made travelling easier, but it’s also led to a more solitary experience. Should you happen to lose your mobile charger, or heaven forbid, your device itself, we’ve got some suggestions for things to do in a hostel without your electronic BFF.

[caption id="attachment_2167" align="alignleft" width="225"] Photo: Gaby Domanski[/caption]

Read a book

Remember those? Before eReaders became a travel essential the analogue version was the go-to for filling up one’s spare time. If you have an eReader then you’ve likely stocked up on literature, saving valuable luggage space. But if you don’t, most hostels have a book exchange just waiting to be perused. Don’t forget to leave a little note on the inside of your newly discovered book for the next traveller to enjoy.

Play boardgames

Another staple of any good hostel is a selection of well-worn boardgames. At the very least, you can usually track down a deck of cards. Get together your roommates or some random folks from a common area and release your inner competitor. The international appeal of a deck of cards means you’ll likely end up learning a new game or two by the end of the evening.

Write a postcard

[caption id="attachment_2168" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo: Gaby Domanski[/caption]

Who doesn’t like to open their post box to a nice surprise from a loved one? Sure it might not be the quickest way to keep the gang back home updated about your crazy adventures, but there’s something super endearing about a handwritten note on the back of a scenic view. If you’re staying at any of the wombat’s Hostels, you can pick from a range of postcards right at the reception and even pick some stamps up too.

Cook a group dinner

They say the best way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. Why not make some new friends by organizing a potluck dinner, or even just making a bit extra of a shareable meal? Whether each member of the group contributes a dish popular in their own country, or you pool your resources together to prepare an epic taco night, a lot of memories can be made over a tasty dinner.

Hit the bar

It probably goes without saying, but an easy way to pass the time and meet new people, is over a few cold beverages in the hostel bar. The prices are often cheaper than hitting the town and the crowd is usually on the same page (i.e. looking to exchange adventure stories and travel tips, and likely to party the night away).

As much as having a mobile while travelling has it's uses, sometimes it's good to embrace the digital detox. So tuck away your gadget and venture out of your room to enjoy all that your hostel has to offer and maybe meet some new IRL pals in the process.

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