*Best rates only available on our website!*
*Best rates only available on our website!*

How About a Refill? Wombat's Hosts Ottakringer Fassbar

This is what beer aficionados' dreams are made of: the finest draft beer available at home. This is exactly also what Wombat's Café in our City Hostel Vienna is now offering!

Together with our beer-brewing buddies from Vienna's prestigious Ottakringer brewery, we are bringing you delicious, select beers in sustainable packaging at an unbeatable price. This is the kind of beer you simply cannot buy in a supermarket!

Here is how it works

Get your weapon of choice – Ottakringers elegant glass bottles come in 1 or 2 liter sizes. Choose your favorite beer – we have Rotes Zwickl, Bio Zwickl, Session IPA, Braumeister Spezial. Fill it!

After you have enjoyed the awesome beer (at home with a few friends, watching soccer, maybe 😎 ) just clean the bottle and refill it at our Fassbar!

Rotes Zwickl and Bio Zwickl come at 3,50 € per liter, Session IPA and Braumeister Spezial are 5 € per liter. A "small" bottle (1 liter) costs 2,50 €, the party sized "vase" (2 liters) is 9 €.

This will be a permanent Service – proudly brought to you by Wombat's and Ottakringer. Enjoy the finest beer from our local partner at and affordable price! A great taste with zero waste!


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