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And the Hoscar goes to... WOMBATS!!!

[caption id="attachment_407" align="alignright" width="300"] Lars, happy and proud, with one of the awards[/caption]

For the hostel business the "Hoscar" is the same as the "Oscar" for the movie industry: the world's most prestigious awards. It stands for "Hostelworld.com Customers Annual Ratings. This means, it is voted by more than 1 million customers a year, who book their bed via Hostelworld.com and rate their hostel on criteria like character, location, staff, cleanliness, fun and security. For the Hoscars 2012, more than 25.000 hostels and low budget hotels all over the world were eligible...

...and yesterday was the great day - Hostelworld.com held it's big Hoscar 2012 Award Ceremony in Dublin. Lars from the wombats Holding was there for us... And he was really thrilled and proud, as wombats won - believe it or not - 8 (E-I-G-H-T) Hoscar Awards:

  • WINNER "No.1 Extra Large Hostel Worldwide" wombats CITY HOSTEL Berlin
  • WINNER "Most popular Hostel in Munich" wombats CITY HOSTEL Munich
  • WINNER "Most popular Hostel in Vienna" wombats CITY HOSTEL Vienna "THE LOUNGE"
  • WINNER "Most popular Hostel in Berlin" wombats CITY HOSTEL Berlin
  • No. 3 "Best Large Hostel Chain Worldwide" wombats CITY HOSTELS
  • No. 3 "Extra Large Hostel Worldwide" wombats CITY HOSTEL Munich
  • Nominee for "Best Extra Large Hostel Worldwide"  wombats CITY HOSTEL Vienna "THE BASE"
  • No. 10 "Large Hostel Worldwide" wombats CITY HOSTEL Vienna "THE LOUNGE"

Well, what more to say? I think we just want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Thanks to all our employees who are doing such a good job! And thanks to all our guests who are having such great times in our hostels and thus making our job so much more fun!

You are awesome, you rock!!!

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