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5 facts about Wombats

Unfortunately, beautiful memories and new friendships are not the only traces that travelling leaves behind. According to the World Tourism Organization UNWTO travel is responsible for five percent of global CO2 emissions; 20 percent of which are attributable to the hotel industry.

Although hostels consume comparatively fewer resources, we – together with our guests –want to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. Guess where we’ve found an inspiring role model for this… Wombats! Our favourite animal is not only super cool and cute, it’s also extremely sustainable!


Did you know that wombats need even less water than kangaroos?

Scientists say that wombats are four times more efficient at saving water than kangaroos! We want to be careful handling resources, too. That’s why all our showers are equipped with water-saving systems. We ask you to support us and to use water sparingly. Don’t forget that water consumption goes hand in hand with energy consumption.


Did you know that wombats mainly eat grass?

Well, we're not that strict, we also have cheese and ham for breakfast. But we only buy food locally and, where possible, of organic quality. We also try to avoid excess packaging and plastic - we do not use any straws or other disposable, plastic dishes. Should a wombat check in with us - we always have a vegan option at the breakfast buffet.


Did you know that wombats share their dens with other animals?

Since the Australian bushfires in 2019/2020 we know that wombats don’t exclusively share their dens with conspecifics. If necessary, other animals such as rabbits and even koalas are welcomed into the wombats’ natural dorms.

"Sharing is Caring" is a part of a hostel’s genetics. To us this is also true for our neighborhood where we prefer to cooperate with local stores and service providers, pointing out their offers to our guests. In addition, we stay socially involved and support local projects with the help of our guests.


Did you know that wombats are particularly good recyclers?

Wombats have a very slow metabolism and, therefore, effectively absorb a lot of their food. We do things a little bit differently. All of our fresh, breakfast left-overs are taken to the communal kitchen and left there for free. Similarly, we encourage our guests to leave food behind for others if they no longer need it.

We also do this with cosmetics and hygiene products. Clothes and other items that are not claimed at the Lost & Found are given to local charities after a certain period of time.


Did you know that the female wombat is larger than the male?

Okay, so maybe our ladies are not taller than their male colleagues – but more women work for us than men. Not only that, the majority of our managerial positions are also occupied by women.

Having said that, gender, as well as religion or nationality doesn’t matter to us. We encourage employees and guests to share this open-minded attitude with us.

You don’t have to be a wombat to travel Wombat’s style. 😉

Stay safe, we hope to see you soon!

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