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10 Vienna Museums Featuring Gustav Klimt in 2012

If you're traveling to Europe in the summer of 2012 and you like Gustav Klimt, it's a perfect time to visit Vienna. 2012 is the year that would have had Klimt's 150th birthday. To celebrate, 10 museums in Vienna are featuring his work.

Here's a list:

Belvedere: 150 Years of Gustav Klimt

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The Belvedere has the world's largest collection of Gustav Klimt paintings, including The Kiss. The exhibition, 150 Years of Gustav Klimt, runs from 12 July 2012 to 6 January 2013. Visit the museum's website at Belvedere.at.

Leopold Museum: Klimt - Up Close and Personal

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Klimt: Up Close and Personal will run at the Leopold Museum between 24 February and 27 August, 2012. The exhibition contains paintings, as well as 400 documents sent to Emilie Flöge.

Austrian Museum of Applied Art: Stoclet Palace Designs

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Gustav Klimt: Expectation and Fulfillment (Designs for the Mosaic Frieze at Stoclet Palace) runs from 21 March to 15 July 2012 at the Austrian Museum of Applied Art. The exhibition contains nine preparatory designs for Klimt's art at the Stoclet Palace in Brussels.

Secession: The Beethoven Frieze

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The Beethoven Frieze is on display at the Secession building between March 23 and Nov. 4, 2012.

Wien Museum

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Klimt at the Wien Museum is a place to see hundreds of Klimt drawings as well as the famous painting, Portrait of Emilie Flöge.

Albertina: Gustav Klimt, The Drawings

[caption id="attachment_843" align="alignnone" width="216" caption="Portrait of a Lady with Cape and Hat"][/caption]

An exhibition called, Gustav Klimt, The Drawings, runs from 14 March 2012 to 10 June 2012 at the Albertina.

Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum)

Gustav Klimt in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, from 14 February 2012 to

6 May 2012, centers on wall paintings around the museum's grand staircase.

The museum's website also has information on the Klimt Pass, which offers discounts on the Klimt exhibitions around Vienna:

Discover the artist and his works in Vienna‘s most important museums. By showing this pass at the cash desks whenever you visit a Klimt exhibition you will save € 1,- on each adult admission. When you have collected 10 stamps a "Klimt" present is waiting for you (ready for collection in all participating museums). With 5 or more stamps you can participate in the grand lottery:


1st - 3rd prize: an exclusive weekend on Lake Attersee including a visit to the Klimt-Centre and a trip on the Klimt-boat

4th - 10th prize: a Klimt-catalogue package (one catalogue of each of the 10 exhibitions!).


Just drop the complete pass at the cash desks of the participating museums.

Austrian Theater Museum: Nuda Veritas

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The famous painting, "Nuda Veritas", will be on display between 10 May and 29 October 2012 at the Austrian Theater Museum [English]. The painting depicts a naked woman holding a mirror to the viewer, with a quote by Friedrich Schiller above:

If you cannot please everyone with your deeds and your art, please a few. To please many is bad.


The exhibition, Gustav Klimt and the Künstlerhaus, runs between July 6 – September 2, 2012 at the Künstlerhaus.

The "Gustav Klimt and the Künstlerhaus" exhibition uses documents, letters and photographs from the Künstlerhaus archive to explain many of the artistic and biographical milestones in the work of Gustav Klimt.

Austrian Folklore Museum: Emilie Flöge

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The Klimt exhibition at the Austrian Folklore Museum between May 25 and December 2, 2012 features works by fashion designer, Emilie Flöge. (See the Wien Museum, above.)

Planning Your Museum Visits

Here are some tips about planning your museum visits:

  • Read more about activities and events during "Klimt 2012" on klimt2012.info.
  • Check the museums' websites for updates as well as any special rates and discounts.
  • For public transportation information, check out this website or, if you are walking, check out Google Maps for directions.

Enjoy the exhibitions!

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